Tag Archives: Egyptian vultures

Parahawking – Flying With A Bird Of Prey

Many people that participate in paragliding do so as they enjoy the thrill of taking part in an extreme activity. To be able to free-fly a lightweight paraglider, sometimes at several thousand meters above the ground and cover vast distances in a relatively short period of time, is demanding but exhilarating.Parahawking

Whilst flying through the air, a paraglider will observe many things going on around them both on land, water and in the sky including observing many birds. There is no doubt that being at one with nature is another appeal of the sport.

Well, how about adding another element to the pastime and paraglide accompanied by a bird of prey? That is exactly what a Parahawking experience offers and more! A Parahawking experience involves flying in a tandem paraglider following a specially trained vulture as it guides you to the best thermals.

ParahawkingThe Parahawking Project was set up in Pokhara, Nepal as a result of a falconer from the UK called Scott Mason enjoying a tandem flight in a paraglider in that location with Adam Hill, also from Britain, back in 2001. During the flight Scott saw a number of birds of prey and came up with the unique idea of training these wonderful creatures to fly alongside paragliders. Both gentlemen even helped produce a documentary film about the new activity called “Parahawking” that won a number of awards.

As Parahawking is only available in Nepal you will no doubt need to combine it with a week or two’s holiday. It enables you to not only enjoy paragliding but get up close to one of two Egyptian vultures known as Bob and Kevin as one of them glides alongside you and then lands on your hand to pick up bits of meat that you have brought it as a reward for it helping you find the thermals.

What a wonderful way of being able to interact with a bird of prey. More information can be found at www.parahawking.com.