Tag Archives: John Lennon

Classic Car Once Owned By John Lennon To Be Auctioned

If you are, shall we say “ of a certain age” and enjoyed pop music, you will be aware how famous The Beatles were many years ago. Well, a classic car once owned by John Lennon who was a member of the group is to be auctioned.John Lennon

The 1956 Austin Princess is being auctioned at RM Sotheby’s on the 7th September in London. The car may fetch in excess of £250,000. Apparently, that is considerably more than such a vehicle would normally be expected to sell for in view of the fact that it was once owned by someone as famous as Mr Lennon.

The classic car was purchased by him back in 1971. The large door at the rear of the vehicle was of particular use as it probably enabled Mr Lennon to get into the vehicle quickly when he was being followed by dozens of the group’s fans. Interestingly, he had five aircraft seats put in the rear of the vehicle and they remain in it to this day.

Austin PrincessThe 1956 Austin Princess was kindly donated to the Austin Rock and Roll Car Museum that is situated in Texas in the USA back in 2008 by its then owner Milton Verret. The museum is to sell the car with a view to some of the monies raised being used to help some worthwhile causes. One of these is UNICEF that was, apparently, John Lennon’s favourite charity.

So, if you are interested in purchasing the above classic car then you may wish to arrange to attend the auction.

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