Tag Archives: Conviction

An MP Is More Likely To Have A Driving Conviction

The price comparison website GoComapre.com has carried out some analysis of car insurance quotes over a 12 month period that reveals a Member Of Parliament is most likely to have a driving conviction than any other occupation. This may come as a surprise to many of you.

As you are probably aware, what you do for a living is one of the factors that affect how much a car insurance provider charges you for your cover. The greater the risk that you are perceived to be in danger of being involved in a road traffic accident the more you are likely to pay for your motor insurance.


Total Convictions

Their research revealed that 24.4% of quotes they looked at for Members of Parliament involved that person having one or more driving convictions. In second place were Sales Directors at 20.8%. In third place were Managing Directors at 19.7%. In fourth place were Bailiffs at 19.4%. In fifth place were Radio Presenters at 19.2%. In sixth place were Riggers at 19.1%. In seventh place were Money Brokers at 18.8%. In eighth place were Operations Directors at 18.7%. In ninth place were Company Chairmen at 18.2%. In tenth place were Surgeons at 17.6%.


Convictions for Speeding

If you look at the occupations that have the most speeding convictions it is interesting that 22.1% of car insurance quotes for Members of Parliament revealed such a conviction. In second place were Radio Presenters at 19.2%. In third place were Sales Directors at 18.9%. In fourth place were Managing Directors at 17.7%. In fifth place were Operations Directors at 17.4%. In sixth place were Bailiffs at 16.7%. In joint seventh place were Money Brokers and Company Chairmen at 16.6%. In ninth place were Surgeons at 16.5%. In tenth place were Chartered Surveyors at 16.3%.


At-Fault Claims   

The occupation with the most at-fault claims when looking at the above car insurance quotes was a Paediatrician at 17.0%. In second place was a Psychiatrist at 14.0%. In third place was an Usher at 13.1%. In fourth place was a General Practitioner at 12.4%. In joint fifth place were a Surgeon and Hospital Consultant at 12.2%. In seventh place was a Museum Consultant at 11.6%. In eighth place was a Radiologist at 11.5%. In joint ninth place were a Transcriber and Vicar at 11.3%.

All the above factors can impact upon how much a motor insurance provider charges you for the cover you require. It is important that when looking to obtain cover that you use the likes of an insurance broker that has an extensive panel of insurers at their disposal. In this respect, why not get in touch with us here at AIB Insurance on 02380 268 351 and speak with an experienced member of our team. He or she will discuss your requirements in detail so that a competitive quotation can be provided for your perusal and consideration. We look forward to being of assistance.