Tag Archives: Rivers

Is Your Home At Risk Of Flooding?

HouseWe are now in autumn with the daylight hours rapidly getting shorter and it will not be long before winter is upon us. During these seasons, we can be subject to inclement weather such as heavy rainfall and snow. This may come as a surprise to many of you but, according to the Environment Agency, here in England there are 5.2 million homes that are at risk of being flooded. We are sure you will agree, that is a huge number. Many of the homes that are at risk of flooding are located near the coast, rivers and reservoirs.

However, what is rather concerning is that fewer than 10% of those homeowners believe that they are at risk of seeing their homes flooded with water. Also, a lesser percentage of people, have made contingency plans to deal with a flood.

Another concerning and sad statistic is that 36 people have lost their lives in England and Wales in the last 10 years due to flooding. Flooding has also had a negative impact on a lot of people’s mental health.

So, what can you do in the event of a flood warning? Well, if you have more than enough time, you may wish to focus on making sure that your family and pets are safe which may involve vacating the premises and moving to a safe temporary premises. If you have time, move your possessions and contents such as furniture upstairs out of harms way. Make sure that you have turned off the gas, electric and water.  You may wish to prepare a bag of food and non-alcoholic drinks and add some medicines such as pain relief tablets. You may also wish to have a supply of sandbags to be used to try to stop the floodwater getting in through the outside doors.

If you are in immediate danger then you should ring the emergency services on 999 and take their advice. Do not attempt to vacate the property if the flood levels are such that it is too dangerous to do so – far better to wait for the emergency services to rescue you either by land, water or air.

You may also wish to check to make sure that your household insurance covers you for loss and/or damage to the building, fixtures and fittings and the contents and personal belongings caused by flooding. Many household items that are damaged by flooding would need to be replaced with new items so it is important that your home insurance covers you for this.

In this respect, if you are looking for household insurance for the first time or require a quote to compare with your existing insurance, then why not get in touch with us here at AIB Insurance on 02380 268 351. We have an extensive panel of insurers at our disposal.